Five Ideas for Africa.
1) In one article he said he didn't take a Tripod due to lack of vehicle space however, I would take a tripod in order to get better quality pictures.
2) I would make sure all of my camera accessories were in tip top condition. That way I would avoid the chance of it malfunctioning when I arrived in Africa.
3) Make sure I have plenty of batteries and make sure they were charged. Maybe consider getting so sort of small solar panel to make sure I could charge my batteries in case there wasn't enough power in the camp.
4) As was stated in one article I would consolidate my belongings as much as possible and double check the weight of my gear before I left my house.
5) Lastly while taking pictures in Africa I would need to make sure that my pictures were taken with precision. Not cutting out anything, animal limb, or part of the animal or herd.
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